Monday, 4 January 2010

training schedule for this week

This is the plan for working out this week. I already managed to get up early this morning and get my ass to the gym. It was bloody baltic outside so an opportunity to get on the treadmill and get warmed up was very welcome!

Mon 3k run on treadmill / 3 sets of weights for arms /3 sets of abs

Tue 3k run on treadmill /45min body pump class

Wed 45min spin class / 3 sets of weights for arms /3 sets of abs

Thu 3k run on treadmill / 3 sets of weights for arms /3 sets of abs

Fri 45min body pump class

Sat 5k run outdoors / pilates and/or yoga type stretch session

Sunday will be my rest day this week. I want to stick with a 6 days a week workout plan for now, I know some will say it is excessive but I know I can manage it and the more I do the better able I'll be to keep it going.

1 comment:

  1. wow! im speechless. i am so proud of you (and very envious of your willpower!)
    keep it up - you are now my inspiration to actually get off my bum and do stuff instead of just talking about it!
    go badgergirl!
    Love you xxxxxx


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